Saturday, October 9, 2010

Observation PLUS School Wide Writing Assessments

I know I haven't been blogging much-- observing/assisting in two periods a day at WGHS, plus 15 units at SJSU, and 12 hours of dancing a week has not given me much free time.  Today, I am hunkered down at my parents house, sweats and slippers on, trying to get caught up on...well, my life.  On top of all these hours, I am still grading papers for LGHS.  A few months ago, the students participated in a school-wide writing assessment.  The prompt was essentially "Which is worse for society- a few people breaking grave laws or everyone skirting the trivial ones?"  Here are just some of the humorous comments made by these high schoolers:

Several ideas pooped into my head.

A bottle of soda might fall into a lake full of animal species and one of the animals was currious so they decided to try it. In the end, they end up choking to death in a painful matter and all the time the animal thought that was food.

People are very upset when they find out their loved ones have died
The only result of speeding is an early arrival at your destination.

Maybe a year after running a yellow light, they run a red light and BOOM!!! A crash occurs.

The only thing about breaking the law is that you get a new house- jail.

In your car, laws are DUI (drinking under the infuence)

I'm not saying while jay walking you will be killed by silently approaching Priuses. 

Pollution today has clogged the air so much so that in places around the world such as china you need gas masks to breathe. 
Imagine your music is too loud or your garbage doesn't go in. As you're going to walk away and leave it be... BAM police officers grab you out of your house or drag you out of the park.

When I am speeding fifty in a thirty five I am trying to get my little sister to the hospital because she has had a diabetic related accident and has passed out. 
There is no need to rape because sex should come with love.  
In India, it is almost considered socially acceptable to urinate in public on any wall that is found. 
Modern day is probably 67% of the population.

The passion of the phone leads to carelessness.
We have ten amendments in the United States.
People who break the law would be considered lawbreakers. People who murder people would be considered murderers.  If you obey the rules, you wouldn't be considered a murderer. 
I dont think the American mindset is "you're a tool because you threw your trash in the trash can!!"
Laws place us above beast, because they keep humankind from spiraling into a chaotic existence where values such as family, honor, and brotherhood are disregarded. 
Things still happen. Car accidents occur, people get caught pocketing earrings.
Breaking the law is not a problem. Breaking the spirit of the law is. The law states you are not allowed to kill another person. However there are certain times when killing is necessary. 
In Africa, more than 50 crimes occur.

Americans are all a bunch of scheemers.

His argument is true because people do committee minor crimes everyday.

The new slogan of the day could be "slow down and you wont get a frown".

Everyone can agree that rape and murder are wrong.
Thank you high school students for providing me with such an interesting post :)

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