Thursday, April 8, 2010

My First Experience In Special Ed

As a future teacher, I like to think that I'm open-minded and nonjudgmental. So I hate to admit that I was concerned about my first experience subbing for special ed. It's not as though I thought these kids would be difficult, it's just that there is this assumption that working with them can be extremely challenging. I certainly changed my perspective today.

I didn't have to jump right in today, as my first class was a collaboration class with a teacher I know well. That is it's a class made of 50% grade level English students and 50% special ed students taught by both a grade-level teacher and special ed teacher. The hopes is that these special ed students will have goals of reaching the level of their grade-level classmates, thereby pushing them to succeed. I have subbed for this class in the past, but as the grade-level teacher. Today was my first experience as the special ed teacher and it was a nice warm-up for the rest of my day.

The following two periods, students worked on their own. Unlike the grade-level classes I teach, not once did I have to remind students to calm down, be quiet, or stay on task. This was by FAR the most respectful group of students I have ever worked with. Not only were they well behaved, but they truly appreciated my help. Overall, I'd say that this was one of the most enjoyable days of subbing I've experienced.

I did have one funny moment today. One freshman girl was studiously working on her vocabulary homework when she came up to me with a great question.

"I'm a little confused. My book says a cosmopolitan is a sophisticated person who has traveled to many countries...but I thought it was an alcoholic drink?" I couldn't help but giggle and what followed was an interesting conversation about WHY we would name an alcoholic beverage after someone who is sophisticated and well-traveled.

Along with this fantastic question was the other highlight of my day: I hadn't been on campus for more than 30 seconds before a student ran up to me and said "Who are you subbing for??" and when I responded, she was extremely disappointed. A minute later, one of the junior boys that I have a love/hate relationship with said "Hi Ms. Ryder...are you subbing for my class today?" I certainly feel loved when I enter these hallways. I'd like to ask how many of you can say that about YOUR job!

To grade and rest I go...tomorrow is the big rally and my old senior t-shirt is clean and ready to go. Two periods of special ed tomorrow and then we are off for spring break and I think I can speak for all of LGHS when I say the week away is more than welcome!

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