Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spirit Rally...and more!

Today was the day I have been looking forward to since I started subbing at LGHS...spirit rally.  I started my morning off feelin' good in my "vintage" LGHS seniors shirt from fall of 2005 (which I designed...thank you very much) but then had trouble getting the keys to work at my classroom.  After several long treks back from my classroom out in the middle of no where to the main office, I finally got in and settled.  The first period was like yesterday- they were quiet, respectful, and diligently working on their classwork.  I got some solid grading done within that time period, as well as designed T's for this years super secretive Fractured Follies performance, as well as put last year's up on YouTube.  At the end of the period, it was time to take them to the rally!

Senior Tshirts: the old and the two new!  Who knew how much could change from class of '06 to class of '10!
Everything seemed a lot more loud than I remembered.  Markus began with a great speech about how we are competing against our classmates but we are one united school and one united student body.  I guess the seniors, who were continuously flipping the bird to the juniors, missed that part of the speech.  It went down as normal- the ever-so-violent balloon stomp which inevitably ends it screaming profanity and injuries, then a relay race that involved potato sacks and giant inflatable hamster balls, and finally the tug-of-war.  The big upset here was that the FRESHMAN beat the SOPHOMORES!!!  A few faculty members and I discussed how next year the winning team (usually the seniors...since half the football team looks like they are on steroids...I'm just saying) should have to take on the "teacher team" which would include our share of beefy men!  Wouldn't that be ridiculous!  The whole thing ended with the seniors winning (even though they were not the best sports) and a fantastic sing-a-long of our alma mater (thank goodness the words were hanging up in the gym).  In the end, it was fun but I was glad for it to be done.

For my last period I actually got to TEACH something- the difference between a phrase and a clause!  It was so rewarding when the entire group could correctly determine which examples were which...I honestly felt awesome!  A fellow special ed teacher caught me on my way out for the day and commented that I must have had to work for my money with that last class.  I don't know if he was underestimating me or exaggerating how difficult the kids could be but I made it clear to him that I did JUST fine with them and that they actually learned something (SO THERE!).  Regardless, I was extremely anxious to get out of there and on with my spring break!  No, no Mexico or Hawaii....just a comfy couch, an April storm, and lots of catching up to do.  We'll see how that goes....

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